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Update Functions

The filter object is the same as in Mongoose, so you can write complex filters and benefit from type safety throughout the process.

The updateQuery is the same as in Mongoose.

By default, all the update functions in Bridge-mongo return lean results. This means that the documents are plain JavaScript objects instead of full Mongoose documents, resulting in faster queries and less memory usage.


Model.findOneAndUpdate() is used to update the first document that match a specified filter.

Model.findOneAndUpdate(filter, updateQuery)
// or
Model.findOneAndUpdate(filter, updateQuery, options)
Model.findOneAndUpdate(filter, updateQuery)
// or
Model.findOneAndUpdate(filter, updateQuery, options)


projection?: Proj; // ex: { name: 1 }
session?: ClientSession; // from await conn.startSession()
returnDocument?: 'before' | 'after';
new?: boolean;
sort?: SortQuery<FullModelI>;
timestamps?: boolean;
overwrite?: boolean;
projection?: Proj; // ex: { name: 1 }
session?: ClientSession; // from await conn.startSession()
returnDocument?: 'before' | 'after';
new?: boolean;
sort?: SortQuery<FullModelI>;
timestamps?: boolean;
overwrite?: boolean;


Schemas Definition
import { createDB, Schema, mongoose } from 'bridge-mongo';
// Defining a User Schema
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
email: String,
age: { type: Number, default: 18 },
job: { type: String, enum: ['developer', 'designer'] },
settings: {
isActive: Boolean,
// Defining a Post Schema
const postSchema = new Schema(
text: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
userId: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, req: true },
likes: Number,
{ timestamps: true },
// The keys correspond to the model Name
const DB = createDB({
User: userSchema,
Post: postSchema,
import { createDB, Schema, mongoose } from 'bridge-mongo';
// Defining a User Schema
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
email: String,
age: { type: Number, default: 18 },
job: { type: String, enum: ['developer', 'designer'] },
settings: {
isActive: Boolean,
// Defining a Post Schema
const postSchema = new Schema(
text: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
userId: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, req: true },
likes: Number,
{ timestamps: true },
// The keys correspond to the model Name
const DB = createDB({
User: userSchema,
Post: postSchema,
import { isError } from 'bridge-mongo';
async () => {
const user = await DB.user.findOneAndUpdate({ job: 'designer' }, { age: 21 });
if (isError(user)) return
const post = await{ userId: user._id }, { likes: 12 }, { projection: { text: 1 } });
if (isError(post)) console.log(post)
const post: { error: { status: 404; name: "Post not found"; }; }
else console.log(post)
const post: { _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId; text: string; }
import { isError } from 'bridge-mongo';
async () => {
const user = await DB.user.findOneAndUpdate({ job: 'designer' }, { age: 21 });
if (isError(user)) return
const post = await{ userId: user._id }, { likes: 12 }, { projection: { text: 1 } });
if (isError(post)) console.log(post)
const post: { error: { status: 404; name: "Post not found"; }; }
else console.log(post)
const post: { _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId; text: string; }


Model.findByIdAndUpdate() is used to update the first document that match the objectId given.

Model.findByIdAndUpdate(ObjectId, updateQuery)
// or
Model.findByIdAndUpdate(ObjectId, updateQuery, options)
Model.findByIdAndUpdate(ObjectId, updateQuery)
// or
Model.findByIdAndUpdate(ObjectId, updateQuery, options)


projection?: Proj; // ex: { name: 1 }
session?: ClientSession; // from await conn.startSession()
returnDocument?: 'before' | 'after';
new?: boolean;
sort?: SortQuery<FullModelI>;
timestamps?: boolean;
overwrite?: boolean;
projection?: Proj; // ex: { name: 1 }
session?: ClientSession; // from await conn.startSession()
returnDocument?: 'before' | 'after';
new?: boolean;
sort?: SortQuery<FullModelI>;
timestamps?: boolean;
overwrite?: boolean;


Schemas Definition
import { createDB, Schema, mongoose } from 'bridge-mongo';
// Defining a User Schema
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
email: String,
age: { type: Number, default: 18 },
job: { type: String, enum: ['developer', 'designer'] },
settings: {
isActive: Boolean,
// Defining a Post Schema
const postSchema = new Schema(
text: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
userId: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, req: true },
likes: Number,
{ timestamps: true },
// The keys correspond to the model Name
const DB = createDB({
User: userSchema,
Post: postSchema,
import { createDB, Schema, mongoose } from 'bridge-mongo';
// Defining a User Schema
const userSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
email: String,
age: { type: Number, default: 18 },
job: { type: String, enum: ['developer', 'designer'] },
settings: {
isActive: Boolean,
// Defining a Post Schema
const postSchema = new Schema(
text: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
userId: { type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, req: true },
likes: Number,
{ timestamps: true },
// The keys correspond to the model Name
const DB = createDB({
User: userSchema,
Post: postSchema,
import { isError } from 'bridge-mongo';
async () => {
const post = await{}, { userId: 1 });
if (isError(post) || !post.userId) return
const user = await DB.user.findByIdAndUpdate(post.userId, { age: 12 }, { projection: { age: 1 } });
if (isError(user)) console.log(user);
const user: { error: { status: 404; name: "User not found"; }; }
else console.log(user);
const user: { _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId; age: number; }
import { isError } from 'bridge-mongo';
async () => {
const post = await{}, { userId: 1 });
if (isError(post) || !post.userId) return
const user = await DB.user.findByIdAndUpdate(post.userId, { age: 12 }, { projection: { age: 1 } });
if (isError(user)) console.log(user);
const user: { error: { status: 404; name: "User not found"; }; }
else console.log(user);
const user: { _id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId; age: number; }